Illustrator/Affinity Designer
I grew up watching a show called MacGyver where the protagonist could find his way out of any problem, however unlikely, with just his handy Swiss Army Knife.
For me, that tool is Illustrator and/or it’s various cousins like Affinity.
I since teaching myself all its twists and turns I’ve used it to solve countless problems, even ones not related to design and illustration, (like a maths equation and a plan for reorganizing a bedroom!)
Photoshop/Affinity Photo
If illustrator is this sheriff’s shiney six-shooter, then Photoshop is my trusty steed!
Entirely self taught and the first design application I mastered, long before illustrator, to this day it’s rare that something I create doesn’t get a once over or final honing in this tool.
Indesign/Affinity Publisher
Publishing feels like the opposite of illustration and so is always a fascinating challenge.
With illustration I’m always trying to do as much as possible with as few elements as I can get away with.
Page layout flips that on its head, there is ALWAYS more copy than there is room for it!
I’ve learned a lot about what must stay and what can fall away and every project teaches me a little more on that topic.
After Effects/Animation
Everything is math! EVERYTHING!
Once I had absorbed that concept I realized animation is just getting the numbers right!
If I can nail that sine wave perfectly I can make wings flap, legs stride and words dance across the screen!
I’ve worked retail, I’ve worked in customer support, I’ve had to deal with difficult clients… and most importantly I’ve been around humans my WHOLE life.
Life experience like this is handy for knowing how different people like to be spoken too and what “voice to use” when drafting important communications.